
  • Release date : Aug 12 2014 - 14:45
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The Second Place for SBMU in ESI Ranking

Prof. Zarghi, University Deputy in Research and Technology Affairs, having pointed out to the research ranking of the SBMU in ESI (Essential Science Indicators), stated that Shahid Beheshti Medical University (SBMU) having published 913 articles, 51853 citations and 22 highly cited articles is introduced as the second medical university within the country according to the ESI International ranking.

He also mentioned that ESI is one of the internationally valid ranking systems to assess universities and research institutes regularly and periodically. Articles, in this ranking system, are chosen from ISI. ESI ranking is based on selecting high quality articles in terms of publication and citation and introducing a percentage of premier institutions in an international level.

He finally said that according to the latest ESI periodical ranking (Jan. 2004 to April. 2014), Shahid Beheshti Medical University (SBMU) having published 9613 articles, 51853 citations and 22 highly cited articles is introduced as the second medical university  in Iran

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  • News code : 12516